Thursday, March 08, 2007

Another appearance for the Library Reading Divas

Any Library Reading Divas interested in being part of the grand opening festivities for the RCL Maplewood Library?

This DIVA appearance would be a volunteer appearance.

Kristi, one of the “frozen few” at the Winter Carnival parade, is looking for Reading Divas to be a part of the grand opening event.

Who would like to join me? No routine to learn this time. Just don your diva gown, sash and tiara. The more the merrier, otherwise I’ll just look like an middle-aged lady who dressed too formally for the grand opening of a library.

The date: Saturday, March 24

The time: Anytime from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteer for as little or as much as you’d like

The duties: In addition to standing around looking gorgeous and diva-ish these are the possibilities:
  • stand at the refreshment table,
  • hand out book bags to kids who checkout books (to first 100 kids who check out a book),
  • hand out coupons to the first 100 adults in the door,
  • welcome people as they enter,
  • stand by the auto handling machines (we are opening up our back room so people can see our new automated book handling system)

    Here is RCL’s schedule of events for the day:

    10 a.m.: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Bruce Allard Jazz Trio

11 a.m.: Storytime featuring Charlie

Noon: Peacock Girls Hmong Dance Group

1 p.m.: MPR Host Cathy Wurzer

1 - 4 p.m.: The Reptile Experience

2 p.m.: Daddy Doo Band

2 p.m.: Stanley Gordon West

3 p.m.: David LaRochelle

4 p.m.: Rick Shefchik