Thursday, May 31, 2007

Final Details for the ArtMoves Parade

WEATHER: Rain or shine, the event goes on. I would guess if there was severe weather that would not be the case, but plan on being there no matter what. Of course even a rainstorm can't stop a Diva from being fabulous!

TIME: If you can assist with decorating the carts - please plan on meeting at the MELSA booth in Rice Park at 11 a.m. It is located across from the Library. It will be easy to find as it will be the POPULAR booth since they have fun activities AND a DJ! We'll hang out for about 10 minutes for everyone who is arriving at 11 to get there and go to the SPPL all at once since we will need to be escorted to the carts. Whoever gets there first, please get the decorating supplies from Kathleen who will be in the MELSA booth.

We'll go into the St. Paul Library to decorate carts and then change. Once again you can stash your stuff underneath MELSA's tables in their booth.

If you are unable to help with decorating, please plan on meeting at the MELSA booth at noon. This will allow you time to get changed and all of us to check in by 12:30 p.m. - which is the deadline for unit checkin.

PARKING: Parking can be validated at the Victory Ramp, on Wabasha Street between 4th and 5th Streets. This is on a first come, first serve basis. If the ramp is full, there are several other ramps close by, I recommend the Lawson Ramp on 5th Street. There will only be parking validation for the Victory Ramp.

CHECK IN: There is a check in table in Washington Street between 5th and 6th. Please check in to the table to find out the unit number and order.

RELEASE/WAIVER: You may have to sign one when you check in. Last year we received them at the last minute and I haven't seen anything come through my email yet.

HOSPITALITY TENT: This year you need a badge to enter the hospitality tent. I guess there was some abuse of this wonderful volunteer benefit in the past which made it necessary to issue badges. I've been assured that the Reading Divas will receive badges.

T-SHIRT: Alas, they cut back expenses this year so we will not receive one. If you have your heart set on getting one, check with Kathleen at the MELSA booth to see if they have any extras.

PARADE: Begins at 1 p.m. and lasts just about 30 minutes. Its a short one (but very, very fun)

NEW THIS YEAR: BELL RINGING: All participants in the Parade will be given a bell for the Parade. At 1:15-as part of the Saint Paul Cathedral Centennial Celebration-the Parade will stop (I hope all units are around the park) and ring their bell. This is a ringing for Peace. We will be joining the Cathedral and 50 other churches in the Twin Cities for the Bell Ringing.

This sounds really neat. I'm not positive how they will signal all the units when it is time to stop and ring the bell but we may have to abort a cart manuever when the time arrives. Anyone just dying to be the bell ringer?

STAGE PERFORMANCE: There will be a DJ and sound system. We are scheduled for 2:30 p.m. I'm hopeful that there is some flexibility and we can go on sooner. Otherwise plan on visiting the hospitality tent after the parade and before the performance.

ASSIGNED BOOK CART NUMBERS: To assist us when we were planning the stage routine we assigned everyone a number. We'll get the number printed and taped to the handle of the cart for you. We tried to mix up Divas who were able to attend practice with those who were not able to make it.

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